
EMS Outputs > Viewing Sensor Data > Graphical Data >> Export .CSV Data

Export .CSV Data

The data associated with Day and Week time interval or Live Data View graphs can be exported to a Comma Separated Variables (.CSV) file.

The entire Day or Week’s data will be exported, irrespective of the current Zoom state when the data is exported.

Exporting .CSV Data

Click on the Export CSV data button CSV Button in either the Chart View for Line charts or the Chart View for Bar charts window. See Figure 1189 below:

Figure 1189

CSV Export Menu Bar Entry

A .CSV file, containing the Chart's data is exported to the PC/Server's default download location.

Note: Depending on the number of sensors in the Graph view/overlay, the length of the chosen time period chosen and the performance of the particular EMS system, it is possible that the .CSV export will not work when the user presses the Export CSV data button for Day and Week time interval or Live Data View graphs.
If the .CSV export fails, the User is advised to try a shorter time period for the graph and/or select fewer sensors to display.
Alternatively, the User can work around this by generating the Custom report type Sensor Data CSV report instead of clicking the Export CSV data button to generate a .CSV file of the displayed data.