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Remote Connection

This Section gives some practical Remote Connection guidelines for your EMS installation.  It explains the fundamental principles of:

Setting up EMS for use when it is to be accessed remotely.

Configuring firewalls to allow EMS to collect data from an SR2 on a Remote site, where there is no Data Collection Server installed.

A competent IT professional must complete these procedures.


Remote Access

In order to set up remote access to the client interface of the EMS Server, the following must be true:

The EMS Server is installed on the Server/PC with a fixed LAN IP address.

You must be able to change the local firewall on the EMS Server.

You must be able to change rules on your main site Firewall/Router where the EMS Server is located.

The site where the EMS Server is located must have a fixed WAN IP address.

IIS must not be installed on the EMS Server.

SR2 Data Collection from Remote Site

In order to configure an SR2 to collect data and upload to the EMS Server from a Remote site to the Master site, the following items must be set up or be available:

The EMS Server must be installed, configured and tested on the Master site.

You must be able to change rules on your Remote site firewall/router where the SR2 is located.

The site where the SR2 is located must have a fixed WAN IP address.