Contents | Index
- 1 -
- A -
Accessing and Editing the Sensor Filters
Activate or Deactivate alarms for the Sub-Site
Add Individual Sensors to a Zone
Add Members/Zones to the Sensor Group:
Adding Sensor Groups to the Dashboard
Alarm Acknowledging functionality
Assign Privileges to a User Group
Associating a Sensor with a CR2 GPRS Device
Available Sub-Sites of: <Site> window
- C -
Connect the SR2 to the Power and the Network
Connecting the SR2 Receiver Unit's Cables
Copy Sensors from One Zone to Another
CR2 GPRS as a Device in Synergy
CR2 GPRS Physical Pre-Requisites
CR2 GPRS Virtual Pre-Requisites
- D -
Database Logger Service Details window
Delete Members/Zones from the Sensor Group:
Device Configuration functions
- E -
Edit /View the Database Service
Editing and Configuration window
Editing the Calibration Properties
Editing/Viewing ARB Module Sensors
Elapsed Connection Alert (Hrs)
Enter the Next Calibration Due Date
- F -
- G -
Global Unique Identifier (GUID)
Group Name: <Group Name> Window
- H -
- I -
IM5210-1 Synergy Management Tool manual
IM5287 Hanwell Synergy Archive / Backup Manual.
IMC Device Listening Port No: dialog box
- K -
- L -
Logging Interval (Mins): Field
- M -
Manage a Sensor Group's Averages
Manage Sensor Group Averages window
- N -
- O -
- P -
- R -
Retries Allowed/Lockout Period
- S -
Sensor and Zone Editing/Configuration Window
- T -
To Add a Sensor Group to the Dashboard
To Manage a Sensor Group's Averages
- U -
- V -
View DB Logger Service Details window
- Z -
Zone Name (Copy from): Drop-Down List